Sila-e-Fun Program

Sila-e-Fun Program Check Online Registration Latest Update 2024

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Sila-e-Fun Program

Sila-e-Fun Program is an unconditional cash transfer program. The Punjab Social Protection Policy has identified income insecurity among the disabled and elderly as one of the six major challenges facing Punjab. Furthermore, under ILO Recommendation 202 (2012) basic income security for the elderly is among the social security floor guarantees. Pakistan is the only exception among the comparator countries with no social pension scheme for the elderly. India, Bangladesh, and other regional countries started such schemes in the 1990s. Therefore, establishing a cash transfer program for the disabled and the elderly is indispensable for the state to take responsibility for the elderly.

Sila-e-Fun Program New Update 2024

Sila-e-Fun is an unconditional cash distribution program. Punjab Social Protection Authority has filled the gap for senior artists who have been serving in the related field for more than 25 years by starting the Sila Fun program in all 36 districts of Punjab. It will provide a dignified social pension for the elderly and needy artists, writers, poets, and media persons of the Punjab district of Pakistan. Who has done outstanding services in their fields like film, TV, literature, poetry, journalism, theater, music, painting, etc? The government of Pakistan will provide 5,000 thousand rupees per month to artists above 50 years of age under the Sila Art program. Only those whose monthly income is less than 15000 thousand rupees will benefit from this program. And have 25 years of experience in their field under the Unconditional Cash Transfer Program.

Sila-e-Fun Program

صلا فن ایک غیر مشروط نقد تقسیم کا پروگرام ہے۔ پنجاب سوشل پروٹیکشن اتھارٹی نے پنجاب کے تمام 36 اضلاع میں سیلا فن پروگرام شروع کر کے 25 سال سے زائد عرصے سے متعلقہ شعبے میں خدمات سرانجام دینے والے سینئر فنکاروں کے خلا کو پر کر دیا ہے۔ یہ پاکستان کے ضلع پنجاب کے بزرگوں اور ضرورت مند فنکاروں، ادیبوں، شاعروں اور میڈیا پرسنز کے لیے ایک باوقار سماجی پنشن فراہم کرے گا۔ فلم، ٹی وی، ادب، شاعری، صحافت، تھیٹر، موسیقی، مصوری وغیرہ جیسے اپنے شعبوں میں کس نے نمایاں خدمات انجام دیں۔ حکومت پاکستان صلا آرٹ پروگرام کے تحت 50 سال سے زائد عمر کے فنکاروں کو ماہانہ 5000 ہزار روپے فراہم کرے گی۔

Purpose of Sila-e-Fun Program

The project aims to enhance the social and economic well-being of all citizens and financially vulnerable artists who have made a living from their art. The following goals guided the creation of this program.

By offering respectable social support, Punjab’s underprivileged and less wealthy artists must increase their social engagement.

  1. Online Registration for the Sila-e-Fun Program New Update 2023
  2. Increase support for elderly people in need and struggling artists.
  3. To improve the financial plight of the needy artists and the elderly on your social network
  4. The action has assisted 2034 deserving artists in total.

Eligibility Criteria

There is a Registration criterion for entering this program because it was not designed to be used by everyone. You might take part in this program.

  • This is open to artists above the age of (50) fifty.
  • They ought to have 25 years of relevant experience in related fields.
  • They should make less than 15,000 each month.
  • They ought to have a Pakistani national identity card.
  • They should hail from the Punjabi district.
  • For Registration visit Govt official website click Here.


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