Sehat Card Information

Sehat Card Information Check Online Registration New Update

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Sehat Card Information

Sehat Card Information. You can check your eligibility for the Sehat Sahulat Program through the government of the official website. Sehat Sahulat Program was founded by the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan. This program was created for disadvantaged families. Poor and deserving people who do not have money for necessary treatment. This program was specially made for them. So that they can make their life easier by getting free treatment through health cards. The government of Pakistan has taken effective measures. To ensure that the identified underprivileged citizens across the country have access to the medical healthcare they deserve in a speedy and dignified manner without any financial obligations. The objective of the SSP program is to improve the access of poor populations to quality medical services through micro health insurance schemes.

Sehat Card Information New Update

Treatment packages

Secondary care

  1. Initial assistance 60,000 Pakistani rupees/family/year
  2. Additional support 60,000/-
  3. All medical and surgical procedures to assist patients.
  4. Emergency treatment requires admission.
  5. Maternity Services Normal delivery and C-section.
  6. Maternity Consultancy / Antenatal Checkup (four times before delivery and one follow-up after delivery)

Sehat Card Information

Sehat Sahulat program New Update

Maternal counseling for immunization, family planning, and diet.

Injuries / Fractures

  1. After being admitted to the hospital.
  2. Local amenities cost 1000 Pakistani rupees (three times a year).
  3. Transport facility to tertiary care hospitals.

Sehat Card Code New Update 2024

Preferred treatment

  1. Basic coverage 300,000 Pakistani rupees/family/year
  2. Additional coverage 300,000 Pakistani rupees/family
  3. All medical and surgical procedures for the treatment of patients.
  4. Angioplasty / Bypass (Heart Diseases).
  5. Completion of sugar mill millets.
  6. Bernese and RTA (Organ-Saving Treatment, Life, Implants, Prosthetics).
  7. Dialysis is a treatment for all end-stage / kidney diseases.
  8. Chronic infection (hepatitis/HIV) Rheumatology.
  9. Organ failure (kidney, liver, heart, lung).
  10. Cancer (chemo, radio, surgery).
  11. Neurosurgical procedures.

The health facility program is a milestone towards social welfare reforms. To ensure that registered underprivileged citizens and disadvantaged families across the country have access to the medical health care they are entitled to in a speedy and dignified manner without any obligation.


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