Scholarships for Pakistani Students

Scholarships for Pakistani Students Latest News 2024

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Scholarships for Pakistani Students: If you’re a student in Pakistan in need of funding to study overseas, you’re in luck since there are plenty of international scholarships.  Available to study in some of the most popular study destinations worldwide, including the US, Canada, and the UK. Students can solve their financial issues related to their studies through this program of scholarship . Students can get the opportunity to complete their studies and get a chance to be successful in life.

Below is a list of current alternatives geared towards students in Pakistan. If none of these fit your needs, you can look for a ton more scholarships right here. You may also view our in-depth advice on locating study-abroad scholarships if you’re a registered member.

Multiple-Country Scholarships For Pakistani Students 2024:

  • Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission (HEC) – Government scholarships to study abroad in a variety of nations, including the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, and more; these are typically awarded at the graduate level.  
  • The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program offers Asian students. The chance to study in both Asia and the US while developing their leadership abilities and exposure to a global learning environment.
  • Scholarships for Pakistani students pursuing a Ph.D.  At any of the top 50 universities. In the QS World University Rankings® are offered by the Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) PhD Foreign Scholarships. These scholarships cover tuition, housing and board, travel, and health insurance. In addition to meeting the other eligibility requirements, you must not be older than 35.

Scholarships for Pakistani Students

Scholarships for Pakistani Students | To study in the (UK) and United Kingdom:

  • The Anne Marie Schimmel Scholarship provides funding for a Pakistani woman to pursue a master’s degree in any field in the UK to return home to contribute meaningfully to her community.
  • London’s Brunel University Pakistani students at all study levels. Can apply for national-specific scholarships from Brunel University London in addition to those available to all foreign students.
  • University of Bristol CELFS Academic Achievement Scholarship. – A scholarship for Pakistani students enrolled in the Centre for English Languages and Foundation Studies (CELFS) International Foundation degree who go on to the University of Bristol’s undergraduate degree.

Scholarships for International Students 2024:

  • Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Scholarships: This UK foundation provides visiting fellows, graduate researchers, and doctorate students from Pakistan with study-abroad opportunities.
  • Scotland Saltire Scholarships: These international scholarships allow Pakistani students to attend any university in Scotland at any level. The priority industries of the creative industries, health sciences, technology, financial services, and renewable and clean energy are the focus of the scholarships.


  • The University of Kent offers postgraduate scholarships through the Bestway Foundation to Pakistani students pursuing full-time studies in math, science, technology, engineering, or science. Every applicant who receives an offer will be given automatic consideration.
  • Scholarships at the University of Birmingham for Students. From Pakistan, Pakistani students. Can apply for some part-fee scholarships at the undergraduate and graduate levels. One such award is the Success Factor Pakistan Outstanding Achievement award, which is open to undergraduates starting their studies in  2024.
  • University of Sheffield: Pakistani students can study in the UK at the University of Sheffield with a variety of undergraduate—and graduate scholarships.
  • Sussex University Scholarships to Pakistan – a scholarship. That will cover the whole cost of tuition for any full-time taught master’s program. At the University of Sussex for a Pakistani student, up to £3,000 (US$3,900). The deadline for applications is Jan 1, 2024, at 23:59 (GMT).

To Study in the US (United States) and Canada:

  • The Bita Daryabari Scholarship offered by Golden Gate University in San Francisco is intended to assist female students from the Middle East, particularly those from Pakistan, who wish to pursue an MBA.
  • Pakistani students can apply for a variety of fellowships. From the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) to study in the US at all academic levels. In addition to having a high degree of academic success, applicants to the Global Undergraduate Program must be under 25.
  • The Mehran Bibi Sheikh Memorial Entrance Scholarship at Queen’s University is a scholarship provided to Pakistani students first, with consideration for academic achievement. You can browse additional international scholarships offered by the university on one page.

Studying in Australia:

  • The Griffith University International Student Excellence Scholarship offers graduate and undergraduate studies. At Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, to deserving students from Pakistan. Or Nepal who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement.
  • Pakistani students can apply for the University of Wollongong’s overseas scholarships.  Which include the 2024 UOW Sydney Business School Bursary Scheme, to pursue a master’s degree in business.

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