BISP Portal – Benazir Kafalat Program

BISP Portal – Benazir Kafalat Program Online Registration by CNIC

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BISP Portal – Benazir Kafalat Program Online Registration by CNIC

BISP Portal – Benazir Kafalat Program was launched in 2008. This initiative is intended for deserving yet disadvantaged people. The foundational component of BISP is the Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) program, sometimes referred to as the “Benazir Kafaalat Program.” The project began in the year 2008. The UCT/Kafaalat initiative has expanded significantly since. Its inception is now the largest single cash distribution program in Pakistan’s history. 

Through the provision of monetary support to qualified families, the program sought to mitigate the short-term consequences of slow economic growth, the food crisis, and inflation on the poor, particularly women.

Click Here For Online Registration Benazir Kafalat – Benazir 8171 & Ehsaas Program Check Online Registration


The program’s long-term goals, which were outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), included the eradication of extreme and chronic poverty as well as the empowerment of women. Under the Benazir Kafaalat program, BISP presently offers cash support to almost 9 million people. The current Benazir Kafaalat stipend is Rs. 9000 per beneficiary per quarter, starting at Rs. 3,000 per beneficiary each quarter.

BISP 8171 Eligibility Criteria 2023-24

Beneficiaries of the “Benazir Kafaalat Programme” are identified/selected using the National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) survey and the Scientific Proxy Means Test (PMT). A household’s welfare level is assessed using the PMT on a scale from 0 to 100. Based on the available financial space, the BISP Board determines the PMT eligibility cut-off score. 

BISP Portal

All households receiving monetary assistance through the Benazir Kafaalat Program must meet the approved PMT cut-off score. The BISP Board decided on the PMT poverty score of 32 at its 52nd meeting, which took place on September 23, 2023. However, the PMT qualifying threshold for households with a member who is disabled is 37.

BISP Portal Inclusion of Transgender in Benazir Kafalat Program

The Board of BISP has approved a policy that allows transgender people to receive cash assistance through the Benazir Kafaalat Program. Transgender people must obtain CNICs from NADRA that specifically identify their gender as transgender. Every BISP Tehsil Office has a Benazir Registration Center where a survey is required. The PMT cut-off criteria have been lowered, so all transgender people who complete the survey are now eligible to apply for membership in the program. 

BISP Portal – Benazir Kafalat Program New Update

Transgender people are designated beneficiaries and can begin receiving cash assistance through BISP’s partner banks when NADRA validates or verifies their data. Following the Biometric Verification System (BVS), Benazir Kafaalat cash aid is distributed to eligible recipients through two partner banks: HBL in Punjab, Sindh, and Baluchistan and Bank Alfalah in KP, GB, and AJK.

BISP Next Of  Kin Policy

The BISP has a Next of Kin policy in place to continue providing financial support to the families of deceased beneficiaries. This policy allows the legal heirs of the dead beneficiary family to participate in the program through a carefully thought-out appeals process. When a beneficiary passes away, her family must submit the proper paperwork to the closest BISP Tehsil Office, including the beneficiary’s CNIC, a NADRA cancellation certificate, a Union Council death certificate, and the CNICs of any other family members. Following processing, payments are made to the next-of-kin relatives as specified by BISP policy.

Benazir Kafalat Program Grievance Redressal Mechanism

There is a functioning grievance redressal mechanism in place to address different kinds of complaints and hasten their resolution. The Grievance Redressal Mechanism integrates with partner banks to track complaints quickly and resolve them. Beneficiaries can contact BISP HQs in Islamabad or their local Tehsil office to file grievances for free at 800-264-77.


In addition to its regular Program, the BISP provides funding for emergency programs as part of shock response measures. Among the emergency programs that BISP has launched are;

  1. Emergency Cash Assistance Program for Those Affected by (Covid-19) Phase I & II Harnai 
  2. Earthquake Relief Program Special Relief Package for Population Living near LOC in AJ&K
  3. Emergency Aid Package for the Khyber District and the Tirah Valley of Pakistan
  4. Targeted Petroleum Subsidy Program in Response to Shock
  5. Emergency Cash Payment to Flood Victims Through 2022
  6. Wheat Seed Rabi 2022–2023 Subsidy (Activity ongoing)

The BISP is also developing some fresh projects/programs to broaden the benefits of financial aid for the weak and the underprivileged. These projects/initiatives consist of:

  1. Programs for Financial Inclusion and Financial Education
  2. Program for Hybrid Social Protection
  3. New Payment Method


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