Balochistan Sehat Card Program Online Registration

Balochistan Sehat Card Program Online Registration New Update 2024

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Balochistan Sehat Card Program

Balochistan Sehat Card Program new Update 2023-24.  You can check your eligibility in the Up Sahat Card Program by CNIC Card Online.  The Sahat Sahulat program was created by the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan. This program is designed for poor and deserving families. Balochistan is a deserving and poor people who do not have money for necessary treatment. The Health Card program is specially made for them.  So that they can make their life easier by getting free treatment through Sehat cards. The government of Pakistan has taken necessary measures.

بلوچستان صحت کارڈ پروگرام کی نئی اپ ڈیٹ آپ صحت کارڈ پروگرام میں اپنی اہلیت کوآن لائن کے چیک کر سکتے ہیں۔ صحت سہولت پروگرام پاکستان کے سابق وزیر اعظم عمران خان نے بنایا تھا۔ یہ پروگرام غریب اور مستحق خاندانوں کے لیے بنایا گیا ہے۔ بلوچستان ایک مستحق اور غریب عوام ہے جن کے پاس ضروری علاج کے لیے پیسے نہیں ہیں۔ ہیلتھ کارڈ پروگرام خاص طور پر ان کے لیے بنایا گیا ہے۔ تاکہ وہ صحت کارڈ کے ذریعے مفت علاج کروا کر اپنی زندگی کو آسان بنا سکیں۔ حکومت پاکستان نے ضروری اقدامات کیے ہیں۔

Balochistan Sehat Card Program Online Registration

Balochistan Sehat Card Program News Update 2024

To guarantee that the individuals who have been classified as underprivileged citizens nationwide receive the prompt, respectful, and cost-free medical care that they are entitled to. Through micro health insurance plans, the SSP initiative seeks to increase the impoverished population’s access to high-quality medical care.

Balochistan Sehat Card Program Check Online

Treatment packages:

Secondary care:

  1. Initial assistance 60,000 Pakistani rupees/family/year
  2. Additional support 60,000/-
  3. Every surgical and medical operation is performed to benefit patients.
  4. Emergency treatment requires admission.
  5. Maternity Services Normal delivery and C-section.
  6. Maternity Consultancy / Antenatal Checkup (four times before delivery and one follow-up after delivery).

Balochistan Sehat Card program

Maternal guidance with family planning, nutrition, and vaccinations:

Injuries / Fractures:

  • After being admitted to the hospital.
  • 1000 Pakistani rupees is the cost of local amenities three times a year.
  • Transport facility to tertiary care hospitals.

Sehat Card Code 8500

Preferred treatment

  1. Concerning the Healthcare Services Offered by the State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan: Residents are asked to text their CNIC number to 8500 to verify their program eligibility, which provides coverage of up to Rs 1,000,000 per family annually.
  2. Added protection for a family of 300,000 Pakistani rupees
  3. Every procedure is used in medicine and surgery to treat patients.
  4. Bypass/Angioplasty (Heart Conditions).
  5. Completion of sugar mill millets.
  6. Bernese and RTA (Life, Implants, Prosthetics, and Organ-Saving Treatment).
  7. All end-stage renal disorders are treated with dialysis.
  8. Rheumatology Chronic infection (HIV/hepatitis).
  9. Failure of an organ (liver, heart, kidney, lung).
  10. (chemo, radio, surgery) for cancer.
  11. Neurosurgery techniques.

Important Declared for Balochistan

Reforms in social welfare are a significant step forward with the health facility program. To guarantee that eligible impoverished individuals and low-income families nationwide receive the timely, respectful, and obligation-free medical treatment to which they are entitled.


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