Balochistan Health Card Program Online Registration

Balochistan Health Card Program Online Registration New Update 2024

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Balochistan Health Card Program

Balochistan Health Card Program  New Update. A historic milestone for Balochistan’s residents is coming out on Friday. The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan (SLIC) Health Card Program has been launched in the province. This ensures healthcare access to all 2.3 million poor and deserving families. It should be remembered that the national identity cards of all the citizens of Balochistan will be considered as their health cards. The national identity card must be with everyone for treatment. This is a huge step for the health of the government of Pakistan. Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardam Khan Damki of Balochistan inaugurated the province’s health card program. Balochistan Minister for Health and State Life Insurance Corporation (CEO) Shoaib Javed Hussain’s Minister Mohammad Khan Jozni also joined the program.

Balochistan Health Card Program Free Registration

SLIC CEO Hussein emphasized the importance of the Balochistan Health Card program, saying that the program indicates a more accessible landscape for every citizen of Balochistan for health care for every citizen of Balochistan.

Balochistan Health Card Program Online Registration

By registering via Nadra, everyone can now enjoy services enrolled in cashless hospitals in both the public and private sector hospitals. Which facilitates more than 1,200 minefield hospitals across Pakistan through a wide network.

8500 Balochistan Health Card Program Online

The state life expresses gratitude to the Balochistan Ministry of Health. We have been entrusted with the responsibility of performing this Universal Health Insurance Program. Which is an important step for the welfare of the people of Balochistan. All the citizens of Balochistan can get proper treatment through the Balochistan Health Card program. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan’s health care services are emphasized by residents. 

Is Good News For Balochistan

All the citizens of Balochistan should confirm their eligibility by making their national identity card number 8500. In which one million coverage is given per family every year. And ensure your registration. After completing the quality and registration qualifications, all Balochistan citizens can receive proper health care and treatment. Poor and deserving people who are eligible. For details of a doctor or adviser, he can be treated at any state-owned hospital by questioning the Health Card Counter.

How To Use Sehat Card

When a person is qualified, they can pick up their health card from the district’s card distribution facility. You could verify To receive medical care, patients must arrange to visit hospitals on the health list and bring the required paperwork:

  • National Health Card / Sehat Insaf Card.
  • The initial CNIC.
  • B-form in the event of child treatment.

The Health Insurance Card will be used to cover the patient’s treatment costs after they are admitted to the hospital. Keep in mind that this facility is only open when a patient requires admission.

Contact Information For Balochistan Sehat Card Related Information

Helpline Number for Help: 0800.01001, arrive at State Life’s 24/7 call center where a representative will assist. Access to the Customer Care Center is quite easy. Make your registration by downloading the Balochistan Health Card Mobile Application.


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